Wife of Ghanian Football star Samuel Inkoom Shared
Intimate Photos on the love birds on Instagram, All in an attempt to
let the girls chasing her husband know he loves her dearly.
Social media has
been talking and the summary of it all is that, Omega Ikoom, the wife of
Ghanaian footballer-Samuel Inkoom is getting desperate in an attempt to
get rid of the many girls who are allegedly chasing her not so
‘faithful husband’…
From accusations
of Omega Inkoom hiding behind several instagram accounts to mount
attacks on girls she thinks are messing with her husband to, releasing
intimate bedroom photos of herself and husband—many think she is losing
it over the state of affairs in her marriage.
A social media
fanatic who brought this to our attention added; it is getting crazy
for Omega as rumours are flying around that her husband is being chopped
down by some social media girls, including, a certain female Ghanaian
Whatever it is, we
are certain these photos Omega is sharing will not drive these vampire
women away, rather, they will want to taste the fun she is having in the
photos. More photos below.....
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