The spirit of water goddess can be compassionate, so they say. Whether a quid pro quo compassion or not, it is always designed to achieve a purpose, so they say too. A goat and a boa snake as gifts are turning the life of Francis Tubori, a.k.a Koronjo, a 52-year old farmer upside down and inside out. Both the strange goat and weird boa live with him and his family in his 2-room apartment.

All attempts including traditional rituals to liberate him, his wife and three children from the grip of these animals have failed to yield the desired result. The despairingly confused Koronjo, who hails from Okpara Water side, in Ethiope East local government area of Delta State is now teetering between personal breakdown and spiritual breakthrough; between serving the Ogwa shrine and clutching to his Bible.
But how did it begin? It was supposed to be his first church service on that fateful Sunday, a few months ago when he found himself at the bank of a River Weni, also called Olokun for the supposedly initiation and transformation. According to him: “On October 5, Sunday specifically, I decided to go and search for the church where I had been given a bible as a gift.
A quarrel with my wife had dragged me to the place. I never went to church before then. I had quarreled with my wife who refused to prepare my meal and went to church. I was angry. So, I went to the church where she had gone to reprimand her and bring her back. We caused a scene and the church members tried to convert me by offering a bible. Since that time, I kept the Bible. About two years on I felt like going to that church. I wanted to know what it was like. My wife is a christian and goes to church but that had nothing to do with me.
So, on a particular day, I picked the Bible and tried to locate the church that my wife attends. On getting there, I found out that the church had relocated to another place and so, I decided to go to the nearest church. As I tried to locate another church, I mysteriously found myself at the river. That was all I could remember. I pulled my shirt, dropped the Bible and swam in the river.
While swimming, I saw a white saucer plate afloat the river and I decided to pick it. The nearer I went, the further it went until I found myself deep down the river. I saw mysterious things that I can’t narrate. I was given the saucer and later found myself at the river bank. I picked up my shirt and the Bible and ran to the house in my underwear.
“The next day, a goat came to my house. In the village, we don’t allow the rearing of goats because they destroy our farmland. You can hardly see a goat in this village. But after investigation, I was told the goat was seen earlier at the river that day, minutes before it got to my house, which meant it came from the same river. But its body was not wet. Since that day, strange things have been happening in my house.
First, it was the saucer which manifested some weird powers. Between 7 to 8pm, the saucer will glow so much that its incandescence will illuminate the room more than how a candle-light does. So, I was scared and ran out of the house. “Three days later, a big boa snake came into my house. I picked my gun and shot at it, it disappeared and re-appeared at my back. I turned again and aimed at it but it disappeared again. I thought it had gone; I went inside and dropped my gun.
“On turning back from my room, I saw it again at the door blocking my way out of the room. It was at that point I spoke to it: “What do you want from me; Okay, I surrender.” In fact there was a mammoth crowd here. They also attempted to kill it but they couldn’t. It was so big and scary. They tried using guns too but nobody could kill it. My house was like a market place as people gathered to have a glimpse.
“In the presence of everybody, the snake entered the house and went directly to where I kept the saucer; hit the plate with its head living an image on the plate with an inscription.” So, since then, it has been living in the house. I packed my belongings and moved out of the house although some people were encouraging me to stay. It is my father’s house. I come around in the morning, do my business and find somewhere else to sleep with my family. After some consultations and divination, people said I should not run away from home as the animals have not come to do any harm to me and my family.
A nine-day ceremony for a snake?
According to Koronjo, the episode has gone beyond the family matter. He stated that a nine-day ceremony was held for the boa with people coming from far and near to be part of the ritual. “The community organized a nine-day ritual ceremony (Igbe dance) for the animals. People came from Agbaro, Obiaroko, Ughelli, Igun, Ekpan, Warri, Benin and other areas. Over three hundred chairs were hired and all were occupied .
I really did not invite anybody;
I was surprised to see the level of arrangement. I am a poor farmer, I don’t have the means to invite and entertain over three hundred people. But interestingly, the event was sponsored by some people who apparently believed in it. Again, during the ceremony, the boa came out to show itself three times. On each occasion, people ran away.
“I believe there is a link between these animals, myself and the water. My mother had told me to go serve the water goddess. (Igbe and Olokun water) But that wasn’t my interest. Koronjo, however, instead of becoming the ‘Olokun’ priest, maintained that he was interested in worshiping God and would not mind if there was any kind of exorcism and deliverance from the grip of this strange phenomenon.
“Everybody was insisting that I should serve the god of Olokun to ameliorate these strange happenings, but my interest lies in the church. My father who died several years ago served Olokun and danced to the Igbe Ogwa shrine. “In the next few months, another ceremony will be held for the boa where it will make some appearances for the public to see. You will be invited to see it,” Koronjo told this reporter.
About the goat: